Monday, March 19, 2012


Let's get real!
A resume alone will not get you a job!
A resume is only a calling card, a door knocker, a door opened, a tool, an advertisement to buy your services.
Your resume may get only a 5-10 second scan by the reviewer before landing in the WPB (waste paper basket!). What can you do to prevent that from happening to you!
A few sensible tips:
-- Use standard letter size paper, white or ivory, and standard type faces.
-- One-page if you have less than five years experience and up to two pages if more than five
-- Bulleted format of your accomplishments, each consisting of Problem-Action-Result
(P-A-R) concept. Use dollar savings, percentage improvements, sales increases, and
-- Chronological resumes are preferred in 90% of the cases instead of Functional resumes.

[ There are at least fifteen tips I can give. For more details, please see Chapter 8: Is Your Resume Effective? in Don Sutaria's book, Career and Life Counseling from the Heart.]

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